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DACUS Exploratory SurveyS

Thank you for your interest in the DACUS project and in U-space.

We use surveys to make sure we can integrate the views and expierences of all the stakeholders involved in the future of integrated, safe and efficient operation of drones. 

All surveys are completely anonymous, no personal data is collected and it should take you less than 10 minutes. 

For further information please visit Privacy Policy page.

We really appreciate your participation!


Urban Drone Operations

In order to get European cities’ expectations in term of regulations and constraints imposed to the drone operations over urban areas we set up this  first questionaire to reach out to city authorities.

Societal Impact of Drones

One of DACUS goals is to evaluate the impact on the enviroment in which drones are operated. Especially noise acceptance and privacy considerations need to be taken into account when assessing possible routes and corridors as well as the total traffic capacity. The dedicated questionaire is available in three languages so far: English, French and German. 


Feel free to write us an email for suggestions, ideas and questions!

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